Advocacy and Resources
Medicare Counseling
Virginia Insurance Counseling and Assistance Program
Medicare can be confusing. We can help.
Virginia Insurance Counseling and Assistance Program (VICAP) nationally known as State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP), provides confidential, unbiased, personalized Medicare Counseling by trained and certified consultants to anyone receiving Medicare, regardless of age.
We can help you understand:
Medicare Eligibility for Parts A and B
Medicare Part D (Prescription Drug Benefit) selection and enrollment
Medicare Advantage Insurance choices
Medicare Supplement Insurance (Medigap) comparison information
Medicare benefits and preventative services
How to file claims and appeals
How to protect yourself against Healthcare fraud
Medicare coordination with Veteran’s or Employer Insurance
Medicaid application assistance
Assistance applying for extra help for prescription drugs for those with limited income and resources
Our VICAP staff will help walk you through the enrollment process to ensure that you make the best Medicare decisions for you. Every year CVACL helps people save thousands of dollars in prescription medication bills by simply reviewing Part D plans during fall open enrollment.
Are you interested in volunteering with VICAP? Call 434-385-9070 or email sthacker@cvcl.org to learn more about this opportunity.
Senior Medicare Patrol (SMP)
VICAP works collaboratively with the Senior Medicare Patrol (SMP) to help educate and empower beneficiaries to take an active role in detecting and preventing health care fraud and abuse. The Virginia Senior Medicare Patrol’s (SMP) mission is to empower and assist Medicare beneficiaries, their families, and caregivers to prevent, detect, and report health care fraud, errors, and abuse through outreach, counseling, and education. The Virginia SMP works with local AAA’s and volunteers to provide information, conduct educational presentations and attend events to share information with the public.
Fraud Hotline: 1-800-938-8885
SMP Website: www.VirginiaSMP.com.

Helpful links:
Request for Employment Information: CMS L564 Application for Enrollment Medicare part B: CMS 40B

The local long-term care ombudsman helps persons living in nursing homes and assisted living facilities, and persons receiving community-based services, assert their rights and express their grievances, regarding the long-term care services they receive.
Advocates on behalf of persons living in nursing homes and assisted living facilities.
Investigates and helps resolve complaints regarding long-term care facilities and services.
Counsels seniors and their families and supporters about financial, social, family, and legal concerns related to long-term care.
Promotes and asserts the rights of older persons regarding long-term care services.
Educates and assists to prevent the abuse, neglect, and exploitation of older adults. Works to empower consumers to achieve results in obtaining needed long-term care and to help with referrals to community resources and agencies.

Viriginia Legal Aid
CVACL partners with Virginia Legal Aid Society (VLAS) to assist eligible individuals in legal issues such as simple Wills and Power of Attorney.
This program is available to individuals who are 60 years of age and older who cannot afford private legal counsel. Special consideration is given to those in the greatest economic or social need. Other qualification factors include risk for institutional placement, residency in long-term care facilities, limited English proficiency, and residence in rural or geographically isolated areas.
CVACL also coordinates with VLAS to provide public education/training sessions to contribute to elder community knowledge and awareness of legal issues, protecting the rights of older individuals.
No Wrong Door Virginia
What is No Wrong Door Virginia?
No Wrong Door is a person-centered system designed to streamline individuals’ access to community services and supports. The program operates through a statewide network of partners supporting older adults, caregivers, individuals with disabilities, veterans and all other populations seeking services and supports. It uses secure technology to link providers who collaboratively connect individuals to the supports and services in which they are in need.
What is No Wrong Door Direct Connect?
No Wrong Door Direct Connect is an easy and efficient way to connect Virginians who need services with the organizations that can help. Older adults, people with disabilities, veterans, and their families and caregivers can directly request services online and get an answer quickly.
Contact us for more information on how to become a No Wrong Door certified partner!
Please call 434-385-9070 to learn more.